Leroy Brown - 1 LB Coffee Bag


Dark Roast for the Black Coffee Drinker

If you're not from Eufaula you probably don't know Leroy Brown was a fish... Click to read the story of Eufaula's famous fish - Leroy Brown:  https://www.alabamanewscenter.com/2019/11/15/is-the-legend-of-alabamas-leroy-brown-a-big-boss-bass-or-big-fish-tale/

This coffee is a blend of half medium roast and half french roast. This gives a robust flavor without the burnt after taste. These beans actually come from four distinct growing regions giving it a unique taste that dark coffee drinkers love!

This Coffee Roast Boasts:

- Robust Flavor

- Half Medium Roast & Half French Roast

- Beans From 4 Distinct Growing Regions

- Perfect for a Strong Black Coffee

Our Customers Are Saying:

Best coffee ever!☕️

Love Leroy Brown. We’re using reusable K-cups so we can brew LB in a Keurig. - Kathleen E.